W21C Receives Federal-Provincial Funding to Support Technology Commercialization
Faster development and testing of medical devices and technologies that improve healthcare services are becoming a reality through W21C.
A combined federal-provincial investment of more than $1.9 million under the Canada-Alberta Western Economic Partnership Agreement (WEPA) is supporting the W21C to staff and purchase lab equipment that will allow small and medium-sized firms to cost-effectively demonstrate new health care solutions and applications in a real health care setting.
The total value of WEPA funding is $3.6 million which (in addition to funding through federal-provincial partners Western Economic Diversification (WED) and Advanced Education and Technology (AET)), includes contributions from Alberta Health and Wellness (AH&W), AHS, the university of Calgary (UCalgary), Alberta Innovates (AI), private/corporate donations and contributions through industry partnerships.
The funding will help strengthen the W21C’s position as a leader in the health technology innovation sector. The research and innovation outcomes achieved through the W21C have considerable potential to benefit Canadians and enhance economically viable Western Canadian communities with a higher quality of life.
“As a leader of W21C, a citizen of Canada and a resident of Alberta, I am delighted to see the Federal and Provincial Governments invest in innovation. We are excited to progress with our mandate – improving patient safety and quality of care. We are accountable to our partners, funders and to the Canadian public,” said Dr. William Ghali, Co-Director, W21C.
The W21C enables market end-user experts to create efficiencies in the prototype development process in a real world environment. The W21C provides technology development and commercialization advantages for industry partners in health care markets.
Funding Announcement Followed by W21C Health Research and Innovation Showcase
Following the funding announcement on March 4th, W21C community members were invited to learn from leading health researchers and innovators from Calgary and Alberta as the W21C celebrated partnership in Innovation.
Presentations and demonstrations were held throughout the afternoon, concluding with a networking reception.
W21C events are open to a diverse community of health professionals, researchers, students, industry partners and government stakeholders.