Certificate Course in Qualitative Research Methods

The W21C program within the O’Brien Institute of Public Health at the University of Calgary, in collaboration with Continuing Medical Education, is offering an introduction to qualitative research methods course. This course is well-suited for anyone who would like more exposure to qualitative research methods, including faculty members, residents, or students. The course will provide attendees with the skills to read and interpret qualitative data and provide foundational skills in thinking, devising, and conducting qualitative research projects.

Registration for this course is currently closed.

For course inquiries, please contact w21cedu@ucalgary.ca

Course Information

Title: Qualitative Health Research Methods
Duration:  9 hours
Structure:  3 three-hour sessions

Participants will be eligible to receive credits through Continuing Medical Education for this course.

Topics covered will include: What qualitative research is, how to design a qualitative research project, different forms of qualitative data collection, and how to analyze and disseminate qualitative research.

The goal is to provide attendees with an overview of qualitative research which could provide them with the necessary background for more advanced training in conducting qualitative research.

By the end of this course the attendees will be able to:
1. Describe what qualitative research is.
2. Describe what qualitative research can be used for.
3. Describe how to use qualitative research.

For course inquiries, please contact w21cedu@ucalgary.ca.

Past course dates: 9 a.m. on April 27, May 4, and May 11, 2018


Registration for this course is currently closed.
If you are interested in being notified about future offerings of this course, please email w21cedu@ucalgary.ca