Crystal Phillips is the Health Sector Lead for Thin Air Labs, a health-focused fund and ecosystem in Calgary that will provide investment and support for health ventures. Crystal is also a former National Level Speed Skater and Board Director at the Branch Out Neurological Foundation, a charity she co-founded in 2010 to accelerate innovative technologies and non pharmaceutical approaches for neurological disorders. The Branch Out Foundation has raised over 3 Million dollars and funded over 90 research projects and programs across Canada. It has become a catalyst for change in health care and non-pharmaceutical neuroscience. Crystal was named one of 18 Canadian change makers by CBC Canada to celebrate Canada’s 150th, she made the Top 30 Under 30 by Explore Magazine in 2012 and Top 40 Under 40 by Avenue Magazine in 2016. When not moving mountains in health tech, she’s climbing them in the Canadian Rockies with her dog named Bear.